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Welcome to the ScriptDrop Pharmacy API.


Authentication is performed using an API key and secret and sent using the Authorization header with the Basic realm.

To authorize, use this code:

api_key = "pk_myapikey1234"
api_secret = "tesk_myapisecret1234"

encoded_authorization = Base.url_encode64("#{api_key}:#{api_secret}")

authorization_header = "Basic #{encoded_authorization}"

ScriptDrop uses API keys to allow access to the API. Please contact our support team for API keys.

ScriptDrop expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Basic encoded_authorization

V1 Orders

Create an Order

url = ""

headers = [
  {"Authorization", "Basic encoded_authorization"},
  {"Content-type", "application/json"}

sameday_order_params = %{
  "service_level" => "sameday",
  "service_date" => "2022-12-10",
  "service_window_number" => 1,
  "delivery_fee" => 5.00,
  "rx_amount_due" => 2.00,
  "other_items_amount_due" => 3.50,
  "delivery_notes" => "Deliver at front desk",
  "external_reference_number" => "238947",
  "pharmacy" => %{
    "npi" => "1234567890",
    "ncpdp" => "1234567"
  "recipient" => %{
    "description" => "JOHN WAYNE DOE",
    "mobile_phone_number" => "1115550000",
    "home_phone_number" => "2225550000",
    "is_patient" => true,
    "address" => %{
      "street" => "1230 Street",
      "street2" => "Unit 1",
      "city" => "Columbus",
      "state" => "OH",
      "zipcode" => "43210"
  "patient" => %{
    "first_name" => "JOHN",
    "last_name" => "DOE",
    "gender" => "male",
    "date_of_birth" => "2000-02-01",
    "mobile_phone_number" => "3335550000",
    "home_phone_number" => "4445550000"
  "prescriptions" => [
      "number" => "897234",
      "ndc" => "69618001436",
      "refrigeration" => "none",
      "days_supply" => 30,
      "fill_quantity" => 30.0,
      "fill_number" => 1,
      "patient_pay" => 50.0,
      "date_of_service" => "2019-02-03",
      "prescriber" => %{
        "first_name" => "Prescriber First",
        "last_name" => "Prescriber Last",
        "npi" => "1234567890",
        "address" => %{
          "street" => "1231 Street",
          "city" => "Columbus",
          "state" => "OH",
          "zipcode" => "43210"
      "payers" => [
          "bin" => "1112",
          "pcn" => "2222",
          "rx_group" => "123456",
          "coverage_type" => "primary",
          "government_plan_indicator" => false
          "bin" => "1113",
          "pcn" => "2223",
          "rx_group" => "123456",
          "coverage_type" => "secondary",
          "government_plan_indicator" => true
  "other_items" => [
      "sku" => "2318901234234",
      "upc" => "1203492394823",
      "description" => "Snickers 6oz",
      "quantity" => 2

HTTPoison.start(), Jason.encode!(sameday_order_params), headers)

ondemand_order_params = %{
  "service_level" => "ondemand",
  "ready_at" => "2019-01-02T13:00:00-05:00",
  "delivery_fee" => 5.00,
  "rx_amount_due" => 2.00,
  "other_items_amount_due" => 3.50,
  "delivery_notes" => "Deliver at front desk",
  "pharmacy" => %{
    "npi" => "1234567890",
    "ncpdp" => "1234567"
  "recipient" => %{
    "description" => "JOHN WAYNE DOE",
    "mobile_phone_number" => "1115550000",
    "home_phone_number" => "2225550000",
    "is_patient" => true,
    "address" => %{
      "street" => "1230 Street",
      "street2" => "Unit 1",
      "city" => "Columbus",
      "state" => "OH",
      "zipcode" => "43210"
  "patient" => %{
    "first_name" => "JOHN",
    "last_name" => "DOE",
    "gender" => "male",
    "date_of_birth" => "2000-02-01",
    "mobile_phone_number" => "3335550000",
    "home_phone_number" => "4445550000"
  "prescriptions" => [
      "number" => "897234",
      "ndc" => "69618001436",
      "refrigeration" => "none",
      "days_supply" => 30,
      "fill_quantity" => 30.0,
      "fill_number" => 1,
      "patient_pay" => 50.0,
      "date_of_service" => "2019-02-03",
      "prescriber" => %{
        "first_name" => "Prescriber First",
        "last_name" => "Prescriber Last",
        "npi" => "1234567890",
        "address" => %{
          "street" => "1231 Street",
          "city" => "Columbus",
          "state" => "OH",
          "zipcode" => "43210"
      "payers" => [
          "bin" => "1112",
          "pcn" => "2222",
          "rx_group" => "123456",
          "coverage_type" => "primary",
          "government_plan_indicator" => false
          "bin" => "1113",
          "pcn" => "2223",
          "rx_group" => "123456",
          "coverage_type" => "secondary",
          "government_plan_indicator" => true
  "other_items" => [
      "sku" => "2318901234234",
      "upc" => "1203492394823",
      "description" => "Snickers 6oz",
      "quantity" => 2

HTTPoison.start(), Jason.encode!(ondemand_order_params), headers)

shipping_order_params = %{
  "service_level" => "shipping",
  "service_date" => "2022-12-10",
  "delivery_fee" => 0.00,
  "rx_amount_due" => 0.00,
  "other_items_amount_due" => 0.00,
  "delivery_notes" => nil,
  "shipping" => %{
    "carrier" => "USPS",
    "carrier_service" => "USPS Priority Mail",
    "signature" => "none",
    "weight" => %{
      "unit" => "pound",
      "value" => 1.0
    "package_code" => "usps_small_flat_rate_box",
    "dimensions" => %{
      "_comment" =>  "The dimensions key is not required if a package_code is sent
        but is being shown in this example as a demonstration of the structure",
      "unit" => "inch",
      "length" => 2.0,
      "width" => 1.0,
      "height" => 3.0
  "pharmacy" => %{
    "npi" => "1234567890",
    "ncpdp" => "1234567"
  "recipient" => %{
    "description" => "JOHN WAYNE DOE",
    "mobile_phone_number" => "1115550000",
    "home_phone_number" => "2225550000",
    "is_patient" => true,
    "address" => %{
      "street" => "1230 Street",
      "street2" => "Unit 1",
      "city" => "Columbus",
      "state" => "OH",
      "zipcode" => "43210"
  "patient" => %{
    "first_name" => "JOHN",
    "last_name" => "DOE",
    "gender" => "male",
    "date_of_birth" => "2000-02-01",
    "mobile_phone_number" => "3335550000",
    "home_phone_number" => "4445550000"
  "prescriptions" => [
      "number" => "897234",
      "ndc" => "69618001436",
      "refrigeration" => "none",
      "days_supply" => 30,
      "fill_quantity" => 30.0,
      "fill_number" => 1,
      "patient_pay" => 50.0,
      "date_of_service" => "2019-02-03",
      "prescriber" => %{
        "first_name" => "Prescriber First",
        "last_name" => "Prescriber Last",
        "npi" => "1234567890",
        "address" => %{
          "street" => "1231 Street",
          "city" => "Columbus",
          "state" => "OH",
          "zipcode" => "43210"
      "payers" => [
          "bin" => "1112",
          "pcn" => "2222",
          "rx_group" => "123456",
          "coverage_type" => "primary",
          "government_plan_indicator" => false
          "bin" => "1113",
          "pcn" => "2223",
          "rx_group" => "123456",
          "coverage_type" => "secondary",
          "government_plan_indicator" => true
  "other_items" => [
      "sku" => "2318901234234",
      "upc" => "1203492394823",
      "description" => "Snickers 6oz",
      "quantity" => 2

HTTPoison.start(), Jason.encode!(shipping_order_params), headers)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "status": "new",
    "pickup": null,
    "delivery": null,
    "return": null,
    "cancellation": null,
    "eta": null

This endpoint creates an order.

HTTP Request


Body Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
service_level String true Indicate service level for order. Can be one of: sameday, ondemand, shipping.
service_date ISO8601 date Only for sameday and shipping Indicates which day the order should be picked up on. Must be a future date the pharmacy is configured to have deliveries on.
service_window_number Integer false Indicates which service window the order should placed in. Only used for sameday service level. Defaults to 1.
initiator String false Indicates the source of the request. Must be one of: pharmacy.
ready_at ISO 8601 timestamp false Indicates when the order will be ready by. Only used for ondemand service level. Defaults to current time.
delivery_fee Decimal Only for sameday Delivery fee to be collected.
rx_amount_due Decimal Only for sameday Copay to be collected for the order.
other_items_amount_due Decimal false. Only supported for sameday. Fees related to other items to be collected.
delivery_notes String false max: 280 Instructions visible to courier during delivery to assist with the delivery.
external_reference_number String false max: 255 Reference number used to identify the order from an external system.
photo_id_required Boolean false. Only supported for sameday. Indicates whether a photo ID is required for delivery.
pharmacy Pharmacy true Pharmacy details.
recipient Recipient true Recipient details.
patient Patient true Patient details.
shipping Shipping Only for shipping Additional information required for shipping.
prescriptions Prescription[] true Prescriptions to be delivered.
other_items OtherItem[] false Other items to be delivered, typically OTC items.

Pharmacy Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
npi String true is: 10 Pharmacy NPI for order
ncpdp String true is: 7 Pharmacy NCPDP for order

Recipient Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
description String true max: 71 Describes the recipient. In cases where the patient is the recipient, this should be the first and last name of the patient.
mobile_phone_number String false is: 10 Mobile phone number for the order recipient.
home_phone_number String false is: 10 Home phone number for the order recipient
address Address true Recipient's location (i.e. dropoff location).

Address Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
street String true max: 255 Street
street2 String false max: 255 Street Line 2 (ex. Unit 1)
city String true max: 255 City
state String true max: 2 Two-letter state abbreviation
zipcode String true is: 5 or is: 9 Zipcode

Patient Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
first_name String true max: 30 Patient's first name.
last_name String true max: 40 Patient's. last name
gender String true Patient's gender. Can be one of: male, female, unspecified.
date_of_birth ISO 8601 date string true Patient's date of birth.
mobile_phone_number String for shipping is: 10 Patient's mobile phone number. Required for shipping if home_phone_number not provided.
home_phone_number String for shipping is: 10 Patient's home phone number. Required for shipping if mobile_phone_number not provided.

Prescription Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
number String true max: 255 Rx number.
ndc String true is: 11 National Drug Code.
refrigeration String true Indicates whether the prescription needs to be refrigerated. Can be one of none, fridge, or frozen.
days_supply Integer true Days supply.
fill_quantity Decimal true Fill quantity.
fill_number Integer true Fill number.
patient_pay Decimal true Patient responsibility.
prescriber Prescriber true Prescriber information.
date_of_service String false Date of service for the prescription.
payers Payer[] true Payer information.

Other Item Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
upc String true UPC
sku String true SKU
quantity Integer true Quantity being delivered
description String true Short description of item being delivered

Prescriber Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
first_name String true Prescriber's first name
last_name String true Prescriber's last name
npi String true Prescriber's NPI
address Address true Prescriber's address

Payer Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
bin String true max: 255 BIN
pcn String true max: 255 PCN
rx_group String true Rx group
coverage_type String true Coverage type. Can be one of primary, secondary, or tertiary.
government_plan_indicator Boolean true Indicates whether or not payer is a government plan.

Shipping Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
carrier String true Ground carrier to be used. Can be one of USPS, UPS, or FedEx.
carrier_service String true Shipping service used. Can be one of UPS Ground, UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS Next Day Air, FedEx 2 Day, FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx Priority Overnight, FedEx Ground, FedEx Home Delivery, USPS Priority Mail, USPS Priority Mail Express, and USPS First Class Mail.
signature String true Value indicating which signature method should be used. Can be one of none, required, adult_required, or patient_signature. All carriers support none. Other supported signature types by carrier:
 • POD signature (anyone can sign) = required
 • Adult (over 21) = adult_required
 • Patient (over 21) = patient_signature

 • Signature (anyone can sign) = required
 • Adult (over 21) = adult_required
 • Indirect (anyone can sign) = required
 • Direct (Patient) = patient_signature
 • Adult (over 21) = adult_required
saturday_delivery Boolean false Value indicating whether Saturday should be included in possible days for delivery. This option is ONLY available for UPS 2nd Day Air and UPS Next Day Air.
weight.unit String true Unit of measure for weight. Can be one of ounce or pound.
weight.value Decimal true Package weight. Must be under 1 pound for USPS First Class Mail.
package_code String false Code representing carrier specific package sizes. For USPS can be one of: usps_small_flat_rate_box, usps_medium_flat_rate_box, usps_large_flat_rate_box. For FedEx can be one of: fedex_envelope_onerate, fedex_small_box_onerate, fedex_medium_box_onerate, fedex_large_box_onerate, fedex_extra_large_box_onerate, fedex_pak. If a package_code is selected, all dimension data will be overwritten by the selected default package dimensions.
dimensions Object false Required if package_code is not set.
dimensions.unit String false Unit of measure for dimensions. Must be inch. Required if package_code is not set.
dimensions.length Decimal false Length of package. Required if package_code is not set.
dimensions.width Decimal false Width of package. Required if package_code is not set.
dimensions.height Decimal false Height of package. Required if package_code is not set.

200 Response Schema

See the 200 Response Schema under Get an Order.

Error Response

JSON example of a 400 response payload when shipping order is not eligible for Saturday delivery:

  "error": {
    "message": "Carrier service level does not offer saturday delivery."

Cancel an Order

url = ""

headers = [
  {"Authorization", "Basic encoded_authorization"},

HTTPoison.delete(url, headers)

On success the above command returns no response body

This endpoint cancels a specific order only if the order is new or submitted to courier.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
:id The ID of the order to delete

Success Response

HTTP status code 204

Error Response

JSON example of a 400 response payload when the order is in any status but new or submitted to courier:

  "error": {
    "message": "Order is not in a cancellable status"

See also Errors

Get an Order

url = ""

headers = [
  {"Authorization", "Basic encoded_authorization"},
  {"Content-type", "application/json"}

HTTPoison.get(url, headers)

JSON returned when a sameday or ondemand order is new:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "external_reference_number": null,
    "status": "new",
    "pickup": null,
    "delivery": null,
    "return": null,
    "shipping": null,
    "cancellation": null
    "eta": null

JSON returned when a shipping order is new:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "external_reference_number": null,
    "status": "new",
    "pickup": null,
    "delivery": null,
    "return": null,
    "cancellation": null,
    "eta": null,
    "shipping": {
      "tracking_number": "128397192837",
      "tracking_url": "",
      "carrier": "USPS",
      "carrier_service": "USPS Priority Mail",
      "label_pdf": "",
      "saturday_delivery": false,
      "cost": 2.95

JSON returned when a sameday or ondemand order is submitted to courier:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "external_reference_number": null,
    "status": "submitted to courier",
    "pickup": null,
    "delivery": null,
    "return": null,
    "shipping": null,
    "eta": {
      "arrival_at": "2023-10-11T15:40:40.765721Z",
      "type": "pickup"
    "cancellation": null

JSON returned when a sameday or ondemand order is picked up:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "external_reference_number": null,
    "status": "picked_up",
    "pickup": {
      "_comment": "Pickup information is not available for shipping orders",
      "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T01:00:00Z"
    "delivery": null,
    "return": null,
    "shipping": null,
    "cancellation": null,
    "eta": {
      "arrival_at": "2023-10-11T15:40:40.765721Z",
      "type": "delivery"

JSON returned when a sameday or ondemand order is cancelled:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "external_reference_number": null,
    "status": "cancelled",
    "pickup": null,
    "delivery": null,
    "return": null,
    "shipping": null,
    "cancellation": {
            "occurred_at": "2023-10-17T10:15:08.773523Z",
            "reason": "Courier Company Reassignment"
    "eta": null

JSON returned when a sameday or ondemand order is successfully delivered:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "external_reference_number": null,
    "status": "delivered",
    "pickup": {
      "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T01:00:00Z"
    "delivery": {
      "_comment": "Delivery information is not available for shipping orders",
      "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T02:00:00Z",
      "signature_url": "",
      "signed_by": "John Doe",
      "relationship": "Other",
      "other_relationship_description": "Sibling",
      "recipient_identification": null,
      "failure_reason": null
    "return": null,
    "shipping": null,
    "cancellation": null,
    "eta": {
      "arrival_at": "2023-10-11T15:19:23.085272Z",
      "type": "delivery"

JSON returned when a sameday or ondemand order is successfully delivered and identification was collected from recipient:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "external_reference_number": null,
    "status": "delivered",
    "pickup": {
      "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T01:00:00Z"
    "delivery": {
      "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T02:00:00Z",
      "signature_url": "",
      "signed_by": "John Doe",
      "relationship": "Other",
      "other_relationship_description": "Sibling",
      "recipient_identification": {
        "number": "TT123456789",
        "jurisdiction_code": "OH",
        "qualifier": "06",
        "type": "Driver License ID"
      "failure_reason": null
    "return": null,
    "shipping": null,
    "cancellation": null,
    "eta": {
      "arrival_at": "2023-10-11T15:19:23.085272Z",
      "type": "delivery"

JSON returned when a sameday or ondemand order is unsuccessfully delivered and being returned to the pharmacy:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "status": "delivery_attempted",
    "pickup": {
      "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T01:00:00Z"
    "delivery": {
      "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T02:00:00Z",
      "signature_url": null,
      "signed_by": null,
      "relationship": null,
      "other_relationship_description": null,
      "recipient_identification": null,
      "failure_reason": "Patient Not Home"
    "return": null,
    "shipping": null,
    "cancellation": null,
    "eta": {
      "arrival_at": "2023-10-11T15:19:23.085272Z",
      "type": "delivery"

JSON returned when a sameday or ondemand order is returned to the pharmacy:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "status": "returned_to_pharmacy",
    "pickup": {
      "occurred_at": "2019-06-06T15:57:03.672507Z"
    "delivery": {
      "failure_reason": "Patient Not Home",
      "occurred_at": "2019-06-06T15:58:11.246000Z",
      "other_relationship_description": null,
      "signature_url": null,
      "recipient_identification": null,
      "signed_by": null
    "return": {
      "occurred_at": "2019-06-06T15:59:11.246000Z"
    "shipping": null,
    "cancellation": null,
    "eta": {
      "arrival_at": "2023-10-11T15:19:23.085272Z",
      "type": "delivery"

JSON returned when a shipping order is successfully delivered:

  "order": {
    "delivery": null,
    "external_reference_number": null,
    "id": "455",
    "pickup": null,
    "return": null,
    "shipping": {
      "carrier": "USPS",
      "carrier_service": "USPS Priority Mail",
      "cost": 7.49,
      "delivery": {
        "occurred_at": "2022-02-16T20:44:56.913400Z"
      "saturday_delivery": false,
      "label_pdf": "/images/example_shipping_label.png",
      "tracking_number": "9205590258667011612249",
      "tracking_url": ""
    "status": "delivered",
    "cancellation": null,
    "eta": null

This endpoint retrieves a specific order.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
:id The ID of the order to retrieve

200 Response Schema

Name Type Description String ID of the order
order.status String Current status of the order
order.external_reference_number String External reference number for the order
order.pickup Pickup Details about when the orders was picked up Delivery Details about when the order was delivered
order.return Return Details about the order's return to the pharmacy
order.shipping Shipping Shipping details for the order
order.cancellation Cancellation Details about an order's cancellation
order.eta ETA ETA details for the order


Note: This section is not returned for shipping orders. The status field should be referenced for the current status of the order.

Name Type Description
occurred_at ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating when pickup occurred


Note: This section is not returned for shipping orders. The status field should be referenced for the current status of the order.

Name Type Description
occurred_at ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating when delivery occurred.
signature_url String URL that can be used to download the signature image. The URL is only authenticated for a brief period of time. A new URL will be provided on each request. Only present when delivery was successful.
signed_by String Name of recipient who signed for the delivery. Only present when the delivery was successful.
relationship String Description of the relationship between the patient and recipient. Only present when the delivery was successful for sameday orders.
other_relationship_description String Description of the relationship between the patient and recipient. Only present when is Other for sameday orders.
failure_reason String Reason why the delivery failed. Only present when the delivery was unsuccessful.
recipient_identification RecipientIdentification Information regarding identification of the recipient at the point of delivery.

Recipient Identification

Name Type Description
number String Identifier captured. Example: driver license number.
type String Human readable description of the type of identification collected at point of delivery.
qualifier String Qualifier corresponding to type. See the Recipient Identification Qualifiers table below for the mapping.
jurisdiction_code String Code representing the jurisdiction which issued the form of identification collected. Only used if identification type is a driver license or state issued ID. Example: "OH" for "Ohio".


Name Type Description
tracking_number String Carrier tracking number
tracking_url String Carrier tracking url
carrier String Carrier used for the shipping service. Example: USPS
carrier_service String Carrier service used. Example: USPS Priority Mail
label_pdf String URL to PDF of the label to be placed on the package
cost Decimal Cost of shipping for the order
saturday_delivery Boolean Whether Saturday delivery was requested
delivery ShippingDelivery Shipping delivery details (null if shipment has not been delivered)

Shipping Delivery

Name type Description
occurred_at ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating when delivery occurred

Recipient Identification Qualifiers

Value Description
01 Military ID
02 State Issued ID
03 Unique System ID
04 Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)
05 Passport ID
06 Driver’s License ID
07 Social Security Number
08 Tribal ID


Name type Description
occurred_at ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating when return occurred


Name type Description
occurred_at ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating when cancellation occurred
cancellation_reason string Short phrase describing reason for cancellation

Possible Cancellation Reasons (Can Change)

Patient no longer wants
Patient came to pickup
Medication not ready for delivery
No Coverage at this time
Copay Unpaid
Courier Company Reassignment
Pharmacy Closed
Pharmacy Closed for Lunch
Pharmacy too busy
Pharmacy Unwilling to Participate
Pharmacy Willing to Participate
Out of Stock
Unwilling to give to driver
Driver unwilling to wait
Unknown Reason
Pickup Address Inaccessible
Pickup Address Incorrect
Cold Chain Violation
Pickup Contact Unavailable
Delivery Job Expired
Excessive Courier Delay
Courier Initiated Cancellation
Duplicate Job Cancellation
Delivery Already Completed
Delivery Contents Damaged
Delivery Contents Incorrect
Not Ready for Pickup
Order Canceled
Incomplete Order Contents
Order Not Found
Wait Time Exceeded at Pickup
Item Not As Described


Note: Currently shipping orders don't provide an ETA. If no ETA available or yet available, field will be null.

Name type Description
arrival_at ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating estimated datetime of arrival. When delivered or returned, arrival given is last ETA from before delivery.
type String Type of ETA. Can be one of pickup or delivery.

Get Multiple Orders

url = ""

headers = [
  {"Authorization", "Basic encoded_authorization"},
  {"Content-type", "application/json"}

HTTPoison.get(url, headers, params: ["ids[]": "1234", "ids[]": "1235"])

Response Containing One New and One Delivered Order

  "orders": [
      "id": "1234",
      "external_reference_number": null,
      "status": "new",
      "pickup": null,
      "delivery": null,
      "return": null,
      "cancellation": null,
      "shipping": {
        "tracking_number": "128397192837",
        "tracking_url": "",
        "carrier": "USPS",
        "carrier_service": "USPS Priority Mail",
        "label_pdf": "",
        "saturday_delivery": false,
        "cost": 2.95
      "eta": null
      "id": "1235",
      "external_reference_number": null,
      "status": "delivered",
      "pickup": {
        "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T01:00:00Z"
      "delivery": {
        "occurred_at": "2019-01-01T02:00:00Z",
        "signature_url": "",
        "signed_by": "John Doe",
        "relationship": "Other",
        "other_relationship_description": "Sibling",
        "recipient_identification": null,
        "failure_reason": null
      "return": null,
      "shipping": null,
      "cancellation": null,
      "eta": {
        "arrival_at": "2023-10-11T15:19:23.085272Z",
        "type": "delivery"

This endpoint retrieves information for several orders at once.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
:order_ids An array of IDs for the orders you wish to retrieve, formatted as ids[]=1&ids[]=2, etc

200 Response Schema

Name Type Description
objects Order[] Array of Order objects as described under Get an Order.

Add Prescription to Order

url = ""

headers = [
  {"Authorization", "Basic encoded_authorization"},
  {"Content-type", "application/json"}

params = %{
  "number" => "897234",
  "ndc" => "69618001436",
  "refrigeration" => "none",
  "days_supply" => 30,
  "fill_quantity" => 30.0,
  "fill_number" => 1,
  "patient_pay" => 50.0,
  "prescriber" => %{
    "first_name" => "Prescriber First",
    "last_name" => "Prescriber Last",
    "npi" => "1234567890",
    "address" => %{
      "street" => "1231 Street",
      "city" => "Columbus",
      "state" => "OH",
      "zipcode" => "43210"
  "payers" => [
      "bin" => "1112",
      "pcn" => "2222",
      "rx_group" => "123456",
      "coverage_type" => "primary",
      "government_plan_indicator" => false
      "bin" => "1113",
      "pcn" => "2223",
      "rx_group" => "123456",
      "coverage_type" => "secondary",
      "government_plan_indicator" => true

HTTPoison.start(), Jason.encode!(params), headers)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "order": {
    "id": "1234",
    "status": "new",
    "pickup": null,
    "delivery": null,
    "return": null

This endpoint adds a prescription to an already existing order.

HTTP Request


Body Parameters

Name Type Required Length Description
number String true max: 255 Rx number
ndc String true is: 11 National Drug Code.
refrigeration String true Indicates whether the prescription needs to be refrigerated. Can be one of none, fridge, or frozen.
days_supply Integer true Days supply
fill_quantity Decimal true Fill quantity
fill_number Integer true Fill number
patient_pay Decimal true Patient responsibility
prescriber Prescriber true Prescriber's information
payers Payer[] true Payer information

200 Response Schema

See the 200 Response Schema under Get an Order.

Remove Prescription from Order

url = ""

headers = [
  {"Authorization", "Basic encoded_authorization"},
  {"Content-type", "application/json"}

HTTPoison.delete(url, headers)

On success the above command returns no response body

This endpoint removes a specific prescription from an order.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
:id The ID of the order that the prescription should be removed from
:rx_number The prescription number to delete

Success Response

HTTP status code 204

Error Response

See Errors

V1 Pharmacies

Get Pharmacy Information

url = ""

headers = [
  {"Authorization", "Basic encoded_authorization"},
  {"Content-type", "application/json"}

HTTPoison.get(url, headers)

JSON returned for a pharmacy's configuration:

  "pharmacy": {
    "photo_id_required": false,
    "delivery_fee": 1.99,
    "service_windows": [
        "date": "2019-04-23",
        "service_level": "sameday",
        "number": 1,
        "cutoff": "2019-04-23T00:00:00-00:00",
        "start": "2019-04-23T01:00:00-00:00",
        "end": "2019-04-23T02:00:00-00:00"
        "date": "2019-04-23",
        "service_level": "sameday",
        "number": 2,
        "cutoff": "2019-04-23T00:01:00-00:00",
        "start": "2019-04-23T01:00:00-00:00",
        "end": "2019-04-23T02:00:00-00:00"

This endpoint retrieves configuration information for a specific pharmacy

HTTP Request



Name Required Length Description
:id true The NPI or NCPDP of the pharmacy.
service_window_dates false Array of ISO 8601 formatted dates to include in the service_windows key in the response. By default only the current day will be included.

200 Response Schema

Name Type Description
photo_id_required Boolean Indicates whether we should require a photo ID on delivery by default for orders.
delivery_fee Decimal Default delivery fee for orders.
service_windows ServiceWindow[] Service window information.
shipping Shipping Shipping information.

Service Window

Name Type Description
date ISO 8601 date Date which the service window falls on.
service_level String Level of service for the service window.
number Integer 1 based index of the service window for that day. This will be incremented by 1 for each subsequent service window on that day
cutoff ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating when an order would need to be submitted by to be placed in that service window. This is rendered in the pharmacy's local time with offset from UTC
start ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating the beginning of the service window, this is the earliest time that a courier will showup to pickup orders. This is rendered in the pharmacy's local time with offset from UTC
end ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp indicating the end of the service window, this is the latest time that orders can be delivered by. This is rendered in the pharmacy's local time with offset from UTC

Error Response

See Errors


url = ""

headers = [
  {"Authorization", "Basic encoded_authorization"},
  {"Content-type", "application/json"}

invalid_sameday_order_params = %{
  "service_level" => "sameday",
  <!-- Note: An invalid service date -->
  "service_date" => "2019-01-02",
  "service_window_number" => 1,
  "delivery_fee" => 5.00,
  "rx_amount_due" => 2.00,
  "other_items_amount_due" => 3.50,
  "delivery_notes" => "Deliver at front desk",
  "external_reference_number" => "238947",
  "pharmacy" => %{
    "npi" => "1234567890",
    "ncpdp" => "1234567"
  "recipient" => %{
    "description" => "JOHN WAYNE DOE",
    "mobile_phone_number" => "1115550000",
    "home_phone_number" => "2225550000",
    "is_patient" => true,
    "address" => %{
      "street" => "1230 Street",
      "city" => "Columbus",
      "state" => "OH",
      "zipcode" => "43210"
  "patient" => %{
    "first_name" => "JOHN",
    "last_name" => "DOE",
    "gender" => "male",
    "date_of_birth" => "2000-02-01",
    "mobile_phone_number" => "3335550000",
    "home_phone_number" => "4445550000"
  "prescriptions" => [
      "number" => "897234",
      "ndc" => "69618001436",
      "refrigeration" => "none",
      "days_supply" => 30,
      "fill_quantity" => 30.0,
      "fill_number" => 1,
      "patient_pay" => 50.0,
      "date_of_service" => "2019-02-03",
      "prescriber" => %{
        "first_name" => "Prescriber First",
        "last_name" => "Prescriber Last",
        "npi" => "1234567890",
        "address" => %{
          "street" => "1231 Street",
          "city" => "Columbus",
          "state" => "OH",
          "zipcode" => "43210"
      "payers" => [
          "bin" => "1112",
          "pcn" => "2222",
          "rx_group" => "123456",
          "coverage_type" => "primary",
          "government_plan_indicator" => false
          "bin" => "1113",
          "pcn" => "2223",
          "rx_group" => "123456",
          "coverage_type" => "secondary",
          "government_plan_indicator" => true
  "other_items" => [
      "sku" => "2318901234234",
      "upc" => "1203492394823",
      "description" => "Snickers 6oz",
      "quantity" => 2

HTTPoison.start(), Jason.encode!(invalid_sameday_order_params), headers)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "error": {
    "message": "service_params invalid, target_date selected date must be a valid delivery date"

JSON example of a 500 response payload:

  "error": {
    "message": "It appears something went wrong. Please feel free to reach out to us at 800-376-7715"

The ScriptDrop Pharmacy API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- Request not authorized.
404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a route that's not allowed.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't supported.
429 Too Many Requests -- You've hit your request limit. Retry in a few moments.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.